OK here we go

Focus on the actual issue

A possibility

I for one would dearly love to be present as Rush attempts to complete certain parts of the 12-step regimen...

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God.

By implication, this would require him to admit that so far his will and his life has not been in the care of God -- especially in the form of having his "talent on loan" from said Higher Power.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

This could be problematic. I tend to agree with the DU poster who observed that all those opiates must do a pretty good job of knocking back a bothersome conscience in the morning.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

Again, this could be a major project in Rush's case. However, I do have a suggestion for him: He can start by apologizing to Chelsea Clinton for the incident with the dog photo.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

I'm not sure if even Rush has enough money to fund such a project.

While pyramid termite's point is valid, that Rush is a fallible person just as we all are fallible, there is a point at which one exhausts the capital one acquires simply by being a member of the human race.

For nearly twenty years Rush has held himself up as something better than the rest of us. He has savagely attacked anybody who dares disagree with him, a sin which is compounded by his admittedly great talent. He has in particular savagely attacked people for doing the very thing he was doing, the very definition of hypocrisy.

Al Franken once remarked that he almost called his first book Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Lying Hypocrite, but he stopped at Liar because "there was no reason to get personal." Now we know the truth is that Franken's other title would have been more accurate. But the difference between the two men is that Al Franken has a sense of scale that Limbaugh lacks. If Limbaugh had a little girl, I could not imagine Franken "accidentally" putting her name beneath a picture of a dog.

I happened to catch the first hour of Limbaugh's Friday show. The highlight was his "a tiger is a tiger" rant, where he ridicules Siegfried's theory that the tiger Montecore was not meaning to attack Roy Horn when it nearly killed him. (Of course Siegfried and Roy have been working with these cats thirty years, they live with these cats, so naturally Rush knows more about these cats than Siegfried and Roy do.) Then, without missing a beat, Rush applies his metaphor to criminals -- a bad person is a bad person, "if you meet them later they're probably still going to be bad."

Rush quickly backpedaled ("that's not to say that we shouldn't try to help them since they're people") but the implication hung in the air, as he no doubt intended: It would be so much simpler just to shoot all those pesky criminals. After all they deserve it, "a tiger is a tiger" and you can't change what a thing is. The Great Man said so himself.

Well I have another observation from Rush's own playbook: A junkie is a junkie, and a hatemongering junkie is a worthless individual who gets no sympathy from me. Let us not forget that Rush coined the phrase "compassion Mafia" to ridicule those who would have too much sympathy for people like him.

Rush does indeed need to clean up his act, but the act he needs to clean up first has nothing to do with pills. He has spent almost twenty years ridiculing the very spirit of compassion, forgiveness, and humility which allows us to give a person like him a second chance. Until he gets a little of that spirit himself I will show him the coldness he has shown people like me for his entire career.